About us

The in-between club was formed by three young adult CCKs(Cross-Cultural Kids) and TCKs(Third Culture Kids) who have roots in Japan. Growing up as CCKs, each of us has faced an “identity crisis” at some point in our lives. Hiding stories of growing up overseas for the wish to “fit-in”, is something that we have all gone through. We also think that it is an experience widely shared among TCKs and CCKs. Sometimes these challenges have become the obstacles for us to show up as our genuine selves, and have hindered us from maximizing our true potentials. These struggles were also often internalized with thoughts of self-invalidation such as “maybe I'm the only one who feels this way… maybe I’m just weird.” or the environmental pressure of assimilation.
We have learned from our experiences that sharing stories with one another, getting to know the existence of people with similar experiences, is a way to help one gain a sense of acceptance and positivity about themselves. Learning, understanding, and navigating the CCKs and TCKs experience is a way of self-empowerment. We wish to share this with all of those who can relate. We think that there is a significance in being aware of how the past impacts the present and that bringing those experiences for self-improvement and growth can be life-changing.
We hope that the “In-between Club” can be a safe place for everyone to feel a sense of belonging, to be an opportunity to reflect and love oneself for who they are.
In-between clubは日本にルーツを持つ3人のCCKとTCKによって作られました。CCKとして育ってきた私たちは、それぞれの人生の中でアイデンティティについて考えたり悩んだりすることがありました。例えば、社会に馴染むために、海外で暮らしていたことやその経験を隠して過ごすことがあります。このように、本来の自分らしくいられないことや息苦しさなどの経験を通じて、時に「自分はどこか変なのだろうか…この違和感はなんだろう」と考えることがあるのではないでしょうか。
In-between clubを通じて、個人がありのままの自分でいることに誇りをもてるきっかけを感じられる「居場所」になることを願っています。

Tomoka / Tess
Both a TCK(Third-Culture Kid) and CCK(Cross-Cultural Kid) that has spent the early development period overseas and entire adolescence in an international environment. Moving to New York, USA at the age of three, lived the early years and a crucial period of development in a “Third-culture”. Returning to Japan, experiences multiple educational environments both crushing and exciting, that cultivate identities as a TCK and a CCK. Currently enrolled in the 4th year of University studying migration and racism of the North American region.

A CCK born and raised in Japan. Moved to New York at the age of thirteen and had spent two years there as a teen. Having been raised in America at a crucial period to form one’s identity, have struggled in finding a "home" after returning to Japan. Through meeting people that hold similar experiences in university, came to realize that such place was not necessary; somewhere “in-between” was the home that was looked for. With hopes of this project encouraging TCK's/CCK's and the people surrounding them, wishes a community of support to be built.

A mixed Thai and Japanese CCK that grew up in Bangkok, Thailand. After coming to Japan and graduating from a university in Kyoto, has worked in an educational consulting company that focuses on making changes to English education in Japan. Currently enrolled as a graduate student pursuing a master’s degree in International Relations. Holds interest in the effects of childhood exposure to multiculturalism for identity and the possible improvements to educational infrastructures for youth empowerment.